My Start
The light coming through an untreated canvas bugs me so I primed the canvas with gray gesso - two coats to get smooth
Raw Umber and Liquin to sketch

I was looking at tones and shapes
This took more time than I thought it would but it is an important step
I took out some of the fruit because I ran out of room on the canvas - I like it that I sketched it out by hand but I do think it would be easier from now on to just trace onto the canvas, that way I won't run into adjustment problems and can get to the oils sooner
Raw Umber and Liquin to sketch

I was looking at tones and shapes
This took more time than I thought it would but it is an important step
I took out some of the fruit because I ran out of room on the canvas - I like it that I sketched it out by hand but I do think it would be easier from now on to just trace onto the canvas, that way I won't run into adjustment problems and can get to the oils sooner
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