Friday, July 27, 2007
Working on Darks - Lights next
I look forward to tomorrow. It should look much better with the values down by then.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
tight and loose
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Wet Paint

I do rather like the inverted version so I switched it up:

In searching my many canvases, this one was way more vertical than I needed but I decided to add to the sky and porch so that it fits. I didn't want to wait to drive 30 minutes to the art supply store so I used what I had on hand.
Next, I will work on darks and lights. I tried to circle the highlights and will continue to paint in the darker areas:
I can't wait to cover the canvas. I will try to work fast getting the initial colors down and then spend time fine tuning. I would love to do this in two different fashions: one tight and one loose. We'll see how the first comes along before I start on another.
ETA: The artist's name is Krysta Hinternish who painted the original rocking chairs that I absolutely adore! Thank you Krysta!!!!
My Stupid Class

Ugly picture, hate the cut off bottle look and find olive oil tag huge and ugly. WAY too complicated for a 3 hour class and especially so when actual paint to canvas time is a little over an hour.
This is what I did in an hour and a half in class:

I was actually working with large brushes and thinking more negative space than usual while painting.My first water drop! I suppose it is oil because it is an olive oil bottle but still....
I want to continue to punch up the color a bit and finish off the center bottle metal pieces - I am rather liking how it is coming along (HUGE SURPRISE!!!!) and I have always shied away from metal, glass, water drops.
This reminds me of another stupid bottle picture from another stupid class.
I hated this so much that I even threw away the reference photo. I did this in about 2.5 hours in class. We said we wanted to paint wine bottles so she gave us this! Why does she always cut off bottles? sigh..........
Next up, my current WIP.
Cherry lesson

I am still struggling with getting decent pictures of my works, how do all of these artists take such clean, glareless pictures?
Oh well, that will come.
Next up, what I am working on now.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Trouble In Cherridise

I wanted to paint this on a large square canvas as I don't particularly care for the right side of the picture. I couldn't find the exact canvas that I desired but it will be suffice.
I am having a difficult time with the bowl and the past couple of days, I have been working it too much. I need to set it aside for awhile lest I start getting muddy colors.
The stems ended up being okay after thinning them out, they looked a bit like trunks at first but at least that allowed me to get the color differences. I am really struggling with the bowl, the colors are SO much darker on the right side than the left and using my color isolater has been helping me sort it out. I also worked a bit with it upside down.
I'm not as worried about the cherries yet, I am letting them dry a bit more before I brighten them up and smooth out the transitions. The table will come along later, it doesn't bother me so much at the moment.
Here is the progression of the painting. I am anxious to see it all together because I feel that I am making the bowl worse with time. Here is the weekly progression, let's see if I am correct:

Okay, now I will publish this progression to see if I am making any improvements with all of adjustments.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Catching Up

There are some details I would like to fine tune and then glaze it but it is nice and thick and textured and different than anything I have ever painted.
In other news, I have FINALLY! finished my sunflower painting, well, that is, until I go to my private lesson and see if she thinks it should be tweaked anymore. I glazed this time on my own and absolutely love how alive the flowers became. This was also my first time being pleased with my glass container. I do need to sharpen my lines after it dries more, some fine lines need to be more concise. Here is the progression:

The glare doesn't do it justice but there is the gist of it. I finished off the glass vase in the final picture, it needed more highlights.
I will post my next painting soon!
I love painting again!