Trouble In Cherridise

I wanted to paint this on a large square canvas as I don't particularly care for the right side of the picture. I couldn't find the exact canvas that I desired but it will be suffice.
I am having a difficult time with the bowl and the past couple of days, I have been working it too much. I need to set it aside for awhile lest I start getting muddy colors.
The stems ended up being okay after thinning them out, they looked a bit like trunks at first but at least that allowed me to get the color differences. I am really struggling with the bowl, the colors are SO much darker on the right side than the left and using my color isolater has been helping me sort it out. I also worked a bit with it upside down.
I'm not as worried about the cherries yet, I am letting them dry a bit more before I brighten them up and smooth out the transitions. The table will come along later, it doesn't bother me so much at the moment.
Here is the progression of the painting. I am anxious to see it all together because I feel that I am making the bowl worse with time. Here is the weekly progression, let's see if I am correct:

Okay, now I will publish this progression to see if I am making any improvements with all of adjustments.
Download Picasa (it's free) so you can crop. They also offer free albums. I could absorb your beautiful paintings better if cropped. It always amazes me when I crop my own. They suddenly look REAL in the pictures.
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